Growing Mushrooms: How Long Do Mushrooms Take To Grow?

Have you ever wanted to grow mushrooms? Unlike plants that grow from seeds in the soil, mushrooms have their own unique way of popping up. This makes them a popular species to cultivate.

Today, we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of these fungi and discover just how long do mushrooms take to grow!

Why Do Mushrooms Grow So Quickly?

Oyster Mushroom Grow so Quickly

Mushrooms are captivating organisms that belong to the kingdom of fungi. Unlike plants that need sunlight to grow, mushrooms thrive in damp, dark environments. They don’t have seeds like plants. Instead, they start from tiny spores. Once these spores find the right conditions, the growing process begins.

First, these spores develop into something called mycelium, which is like the roots of the mushroom. You won’t see this part because it grows underground or within whatever material the mushroom is feeding on, like wood or soil. The mycelium spreads out like a net, absorbing nutrients from its surroundings.

Then, when the conditions are just right, the mycelium forms pins. These mushroom pins are the early stages of mushrooms. They look like tiny buttons poking out of the ground or the side of a log. At this stage, they’re ready for a growth spurt. 

Mushrooms are mostly made of water, and as they absorb more water, they expand—kind of like filling up a balloon. This is why mushrooms can seem to pop up overnight. They’re not actually growing from nothing but rapidly swelling with water and nutrients.

The speed at which mushrooms grow can be astonishing. Some can double in size in just a day! This quick growth is possible because mushrooms don’t need to build complex structures like leaves or flowers. They only need to form a cap and a stem, which is much simpler.

Also, they don’t have to waste time producing their own food like plants do through photosynthesis. Instead, they get all their food directly from their environment, which lets them grow without pause.

How Long Does It Take To Grow Mushrooms?

Grow Wine Cap Mushrooms

The growth process of different mushroom species can vary in length. Knowing how long it takes can help you chart a proper plan for your mushroom farm. 

  • Oyster mushrooms: These speedy growers can be on your plate in as little as 14 days. They are low-maintenance and can be grown on different types of substrates.

  • Shiitake mushrooms: It takes around 8 to 12 weeks for these mushrooms to grow on sawdust. If they are grown on logs, it will take them about 6 months to mature.

  • Wine cap mushrooms: These outdoor lovers typically take a leisurely 4 to 6 weeks if grown in bags. They take longer when grown outside, between 2 to 8 months.

  • Pioppino mushrooms: Cozying up in their growing spots, Pioppinos have a fruiting time of 4 to 6 weeks.

  • Lion’s mane mushrooms: In bags, these unique, shaggy mushrooms are ready in 4 to 6 weeks. Choose to grow them on logs, and they’ll take up to 2 years to develop their fruiting bodies!

  • Morel mushrooms. These elusive shrooms can take anywhere between 3 to 5 years to fruit after spreading their spores. 

What Influences Mushroom Growth?

There are different factors that influence how long it takes to grow mushrooms. Here’s a closer look at what can speed up or slow down mushroom growth:

  • Spawn vs. Spores: Starting with spawn, which is a bit like pre-grown mushrooms, usually means they’ll grow quicker than starting from mushroom spores, which are like their seeds.

  • Strain: The inoculation period can not only vary from species to species. It can also differ from spore to spore.

  • Temperature: Mushrooms are picky about temperature. They usually prefer it on the warmer side, but if it’s too hot or too chilly, they might not grow as well.

  • Spawn Rate: If you use more spawn, it’s like planting more mushroom babies, which means you’ll probably see mushrooms sprouting up faster.

  • Substrate: Mushrooms need something to grow on, like wood or soil. This is called a substrate. The right substrate can make mushrooms grow faster and healthier.

  • Humidity Levels: Mushrooms love moisture! A damp environment helps them thrive, so keeping the air around them moist is key.

  • CO2 Level: Mushrooms breathe, too, and too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air can make them grow in odd shapes. That’s why fresh air is important for the normal growth of fruiting bodies.

  • Light: While mushrooms don’t need light to grow like plants do, a little bit of light lets them know it’s time to start sprouting.

How to Make Mushrooms Grow Faster

Mushrooms Grow Faster

Want to speed up your mushroom growth? Here are some tips:

Pick a Faster-Growing Strain

Selecting the right type of mushroom to cultivate can make a big difference. Certain mushrooms, such as the summer oyster and pink oyster, are known for sprouting up quicker than others. The growth cycle and fruiting process depends on the mushroom species. 

Boost the Spawn Rate

By increasing the amount of spawn to the substrate by 20%, you’re giving your mushrooms more “starting blocks” to begin their race. This higher density can lead to a faster and more abundant harvest, as more mushrooms can start growing at the same time.

Keep Proper Environmental Conditions

The growing conditions of the mushrooms have to be just right. They prefer a cozy, warm environment, with a regulated temperature and humidity. The ideal temperature range for most mushroom types is between 55°F and 75°F (13°C to 24°C). Keeping them in this sweet spot helps them grow efficiently so you can enjoy your mushroom harvest sooner.

What About Mushroom Grow Kits?

Oyster Mushroom Grow Kits

Convenience for Mushroom Cultivation

Mushroom grow kits are fantastic for beginners and mushroom enthusiasts alike because they come with all the essentials bundled together. This means you can start growing mushrooms at home without having to gather each component separately.

When you open up a mushroom kit, you’ll find it usually includes spores or mycelium (that’s the part of the mushroom that grows under the soil), a growing medium (like soil or sawdust), and sometimes a container to grow them in.

The great thing about these kits is that they take care of the most sensitive phase of mushroom growth. The substrate is already inoculated and fully colonized. This means that mushrooms grow faster when these kits are used.

Faster Growth

So, how quickly can you expect to see those mushrooms popping up? Well, that depends on the type of mushroom you’re growing, but generally, you could be harvesting your very own mushrooms anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks after starting. That’s super fast compared to starting from scratch!

Plus, these kits are designed to be user-friendly. This means they often come with instructions that are easy to follow, making the cultivation process smooth. Each kit comes with its own set of instructions, so be sure to read those carefully. If you take good care of your kit, you can ensure robust mushroom development.

Wrapping Up

Different mushroom strains and species have different growth period. Mushrooms grown via kits and bags can generally fruit inside shorter periods. Mushrooms grown outside may take longer to grow.

The time to grow mushrooms can vary and is dependent upon several factors. Mushroom growers need to take care of these factors for successful mushroom cultivation.

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